Ritchie Court, Oxford

The Lift Consultancy supported the client extensively from tender stage all the way through to practical completion. Our services included full technical lift consultancy, contract administration and principal designer duties under the CDM 2015 Regulations. The client wanted to manage the project themselves.

The client had already received quotations for the replacement of the lifts from three contractors, so we were required to ensure their quotations included all of the works needed to complete a turnkey project. During our survey of the property, we identified that the lifts could be installed with a larger opening door set which would achieve full compliance with EN81-70. This was an enhancement on all of the proposals from the lift contractors and vital for this retirement home. All of the lift contractors’ quotations were brought into alignment and we submitted our tender analysis report with our recommendations to the appointment of the successful contractor.

During the design stage and prior to the works commencing, we produced a pre-construction information pack to assist the contractor with the construction phase plan as part of the CDM requirements. The construction phase plan was reviewed and commented on before final approval.

We completed regular mid-term progress visits and meetings throughout the project, along with reports advising the client of progress made against the agreed programme. The meetings also allowed for any technical and site issues to be discussed, reviewed and resolved to minimise potential delays.

At the end of the project we completed final acceptance checks, confirming works were installed to the specification and highlighting any defects in a defects list. To sign off the defects, we held a final visit and as a result of this, the practical completion certificates were issued.

Throughout the project, payment applications were reviewed, and payment certificates issued.


The biggest challenge when works of this nature are undertaken in an occupied building is noise when the old lifts are removed, and the new equipment is installed. In such a noise sensitive environment we advised the client of the issues and agreed that the lift contractor could not begin any noisy works before 9.30am and during the tenants’ mealtimes. Although this added an extra week to the programme for each lift, this element was captured before the contract was awarded. This meant that the client didn’t have to suffer the inconvenience of extending contracts or extra costs for delayed workers on site due to stoppages.

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