Lift Destination Control – Part 3

Lift Destination Control, which buildings should these be used in?

Compared to the total number of lift systems there are in existence, Lift Destination Control systems number relatively few. Consequently, relatively few people have encountered them. Although, this is changing quite rapidly as more are installed.

This can lead to confusion for passengers

  • Firstly, there are no conventional up-down landing buttons
  • Secondly, there are no floor buttons in the lift car (except for some hybrid systems that retain the buttons)

Some people may figure out quite quickly that one needs to press the landing buttons for the designated floor. But some people would not. Although, we are sure most people would understand what to do given time a little time. On the other hand, we encounter lifts in many different buildings and we expect them to work in a conventional manner.

This leads to the conclusion that Lift Destination control will fare better in buildings where passengers frequently go. For example, office building where occupants go literally daily.

Initial change they would not understand the change but very quickly they become accustomed through familiarity.

It is of no surprise that practically all of these systems are installed in office buildings.

Buildings such where the public go less frequently are less suitable to Destination Control.

These types of buildings may include hospitals, shopping centres, music venues, sports stadiums.

Hotels could be considered a special case. With hotels the first place one goes to is the reception desk. The persons at reception could be trained to mention how Destination Control on the lifts works.

How can The Lift Consultancy Help?

A traffic analysis and will allow you to bench mark your existing performance.

Traffic analysis can be completed to predict the outcomes of future changes, including comparing conventional and Destination Control Lift systems.

A lift feasibility study will look at the whole picture. Considering the existing lift services and identifying possible options for changing or re-configuring the service to increase the capability of the lift services.

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Escalator Terminology - A three part A - Z

Escalator Terminology Part 3 of 3

Welcome to the final part (part 3) of our Escalator Terminology series. Keep reading to continue your learning.