Lift Portfolio Management

Our Lift Portfolio Management service helps national and regional property managers to feel comfortable in the knowledge that the vertical transportation in their buildings is safe, fully compliant, operating well and reliable. And, that they are getting value for money from their maintenance provider.

We will manage your maintenance contract for you, keeping the contractor ‘honest’ and, making sure they fulfil their obligations under the maintenance contract. We will work alongside and support them in doing this. Managing elements of the maintenance contract saves you time. Improved reliability, reduced downtime and better performing lifts makes for happier building tenants, who can get on with their business without disruption. The service is comprehensive and modular which means it can be tailored to your needs and, you only pay for what is necessary. The service breaks down into the following modules.

Compliance management

This module gives you the confidence that your lift and escalator portfolio is fully compliant with all legal requirements. It also includes identifying where your assets fall short of current guidance in terms of Health and Safety and Accessibility.

Contractor management

You are paying a lot for the maintenance of your lifts and escalators. We will ensure that the contractor is meeting their obligations/KPIs under the maintenance contract. We will identify shortfalls and work to support them in improving their service to you.

Cost management

Having accurate financial information about your assets means you can budget and plan effectively. We will support you in this with life cycle costing for all the assets. We take away the fear of overpaying by checking and validating all quotes for any work that is not covered by the maintenance contract.

Asset management

Accurate, up to date information on the details of your assets is fundamental if they are to be managed effectively. We compile an extensive asset database with all key characteristics of the individual lifts and escalators and keep this live and up to date on a
daily basis.

Energy management

Do you know how much energy your lifts consume?

Do you know what this is costing you?

Would you like to reduce this cost?

We provide energy metering that gives accurate energy usage and profiles this use foreach asset. Once this is understood, we will  work with you develop a strategy to reduce the energy consumption

Technical Advisory

A lack of detailed understanding on technical issues can be a concern when dealing with contractors. We are experts in our field with many years of experience and a great deal of knowledge. We will give you technical support where needed getting to the heart of any issues quickly to take your concerns and worry away.

Data Analytics

Data analytics and pattern recognition can you give some surprisingly useful insights to assist in managing your portfolio. Consider we have the asset data (characteristics) and are gathering data from audits on maintenance deficiencies, LOLER defects and asset performance on an ongoing basis. We have contractor data on callouts, break downs, service history etc. All of which when used intelligently give insights that inform decisions on improving service levels.

Find out how we can support you with your vertical transportation portfolio by filling in the contact form below